Thursday, October 2, 2014

Ameynra fashion: Metal, space, exotic dresses by Sofia Metal Queen

Hello world,

I'm glad to share with you my 1st collection of high-fashion designs - Ameynra Fashion by Sofia Metal Queen ! 1st "Ameynra fashion week" promo - ready outfits & art/sketches - my designs & artworks as background for most of them. Some of these are sold already, some still available and can be used for another projects, including live shows.

I hope you'll enjoy it. Well, most of these dresses are high-fashion style and are not for regular streetwear. But some of them are cool for party, and, swimsuit with rhinestones was simply perfect for birthday party on the beach ;) And, this a cool example of my modeling photoshoots and, of course, it also shows my skills in both photoshop art and fashion design. Once again, this is 1st video/slideshow of my true-fashion designs 2009, but at that time I was really proud of it. There are a few sketches I made using photo manipulations... My Simpson inspired hairstyle is also there.... All styles of clothing - from metal to very-womanly and from space fantasy to swimsuits... Enjoy!

Much love to everyone who support my fashion projects & other things I make. You are the best people in my life. I wish you all the best!!! My best regards & a lot of positive energy to each of you.

Well, I know the haters are exist. I ignore them - I know that all negative will always returns to the sender, so lets snake bites its own tail.

Originally, this collection has been made before most of stuff you see on my youtube channel. But now I've re-uploaded it without music, because using a soundtracks from youtube free library sometimes causes problems (bands or vocalists may change their minds and refuse to continue giving free music for youtube users) So, just because someone have removed his song from free library and it wasn't possible to unlink deleted song from my video, I have re-uploaded it - and this is edited variation, better than before.

Sofia of Ameynra