Friday, April 24, 2015

Friendship with lovely blond-haired Satanist, and notes about immigration

Having a few questions regarding my relationship with unusual person, I decided to write my story in this blog update. A few of friends & my youtube channel subscribers thought that my lovely Satanist with long blond hair was Shagrath of Dimmu the band. Oh no, and, even if I know that Shaggy just dyed his hair into black to look more 'magical' or 'in classic style of black metal', but my lovely blond is not Shagrath. Well, both my guy & vocalist of Dimmu Borgir are from Norway. But my one originally was from same country that I came from. I have moved to the US in 2001. He left Russian Federation in 1997.

Well, for two months we have studied in same school, same class before reform which sent us into separate classes. My friend is older than me. The difference between us is 5 years, ha, and we studied in same class because he studied in some classes twice. That happens with guys who gets "C", "D" or "F" almost everyday in school. I had "A" grades almost always. Getting "B" was rare thing in my schooltime. I was hooligan-girl, my friend was really bad boy. When I came into class where he was before I was sent there, I looked at me and said: - "I know this girl. She will me my best friend. So I want to sit together" well, we became friends right-from 1st minute in classroom. Our school teachers called those two months "Double trouble". Once I brought boombox into our school. That boombox was made-in-Japan and was really loud, haha. Together with my friend, we connected boombox with school radio. For 20 minutes everybody enjoyed listening to Metallica. Hellyeah, I'm a fan since 1986. Once, my friend brought to school a picture from "adult magazine" and spray to cover pic and make an effect which makes pic to look like covered with glass or cellophane. Together we placed a pic on teacher's desk and, using that spray, we made it unremovable. Hahahahaha! I still remember how our teacher, other teachers and school director reacted on that! Once my another friend told us that her father have caught a few snakes. We asked her daddy to give us one to with, as if it was a regular pet. That was small one, about 3 ft long and had no poison at all. But it was a real snake. It was so funny when teacher opened a box of her desk to take a book and saw a snake right there! Teacher jumped on the desk... And, that is just a part of what we have done during those two months.

My friend's real name is Dennis but he had a nickname "Kasatka" which is a name of breed of very aggressive sharks. He loved that name. I never called him by name because he hated to be called by name. He also almost never called me Sofia. My nickname was "Professor". My friend Kasatka gave me that nickname because I helped him & many other boys to do homework for their classes in school. Actually, I did those homeworks and boys copied them just to have it as it was handwritten by them, haha. From the beginning, Kasatka and I offered them next: they will clean my house, wash dish as a payment for perfectly done homework for school. It was a set of literary compositions, stuff for chemistry, geography, physics & biology classes. And everybody were happy: my parents happy to have a clean house, boys happy to proudly show "A" grades to their parents, and I was happy to be their best friend.

Then our class was separated into parts and we were sent into different classes, then my friend have moved to another city. I had just a few letters from him and was sure that he forgot me. I never had an idea that parents may never allow him to meet me only because I was a girl from rich family and was his dream girlfriend. Forbidden friendship. A distance between rich & poors. 90's era was a time of big changes in mind of people who lived in x-USSR. No more hidden millionaires.. Now they can no longer hide their earnings from the Government. So having 3 black color "Volga" cars, 2-floor house (two-story house), 3dbrm apts which usually being named "Kvartira-Stalinka", antique furniture, lots of fur coats wasn't unlawful. But I never saw my friend Kasatka since he left our city. I missed him for a while, then met new friends.

September 2010. It was a great surprise to get a page comment from my friend on myspace. He friendrequested me but I didn't know because my page is set to accept all friend requests automatically. Dennis have changed his name on Daniel, so that is one of reasons why I never paid attention on his comments. Bot my eyes opened wide when I got a comment with was a message: - "Sofia, why you never reply my emails? Is that you there? Kasatka." Yay, it was amazing! Dennis, a guy who was my best friend before he have moved to Anapa, is back to me! I was amazed to read that he immigrated to Norway to escape from Russian cops. A hooligan boy. Then a leader of "bad guys". A fan of black metal music. Very tall and strong guy with soft-as-silk, long golden-blond hair. Male model for "dark photoshoots". The Satanist. And a person who adored me, his first girl friend. So friendship continued on myspace. Wow, it was really unusual for me. Most of my schoolmates never contacted me. Most of them had no wish to stay in touch with American girl. (Doesn't matter that at that time I had Green Card only)

I was glad to meet my school time friend again, even if it was just contact using social network and phone. Kasatka told me that became a true Satanist. I, a heiress of an ancient leader of the Satanic Cult, had no idea to follow the Cult before we talked with Kasatka. Once I got a problem of having error in Paypal payment which has been doubled and caused $5,834.00 overdraft on my bank account. Kasatka emailed me that he feels something bad happened and the feelings woke him up. I told him what happened. He told me to have a ritual to ask Satan to help. It was strange situation in which nobody believed - a business lady is on a road to Hollywood forest, to ask Satan to help to solve problem and get $5,834.00 back. Drink-n-drive - forbidden by law. Drive-n-chat is OK. Can you imagine an American lady in business suit, in the forest, and a lady has burning candle in hands and singing spells that she have read in email from guy in Norway? Anyway, even if it was crazy-look activity, it helped me. I got my money back in an hour. So I had a reason to trust in the Satanic Cult.

I recorded a video of me dancing in a style of black metal to please my friend. I hoped to see him here in the US. I knew that it was not same love that was between me and Tim or love I that feel to MM. But a big sympathy - yes, it really was. Kasatka was my great friend! A handsome, tall guy with waist long hair and brown eyes. I love long-haired guys very much. I feel how soft hair is when I look at someone's photo ;) When I see long-haired guys, I imagine how I brush their hair. I feel nothing like that when see long-haired girls or women. My friend asked me to help him to move to the US. I helped a few people before that. So I tried to do my best to help him too. As a small business owner, I can give a job to people who can work for me. If they'll be able to work, they can live here. Getting work is hard for immigrants, especially for those who have no Green Card, no special education, no place where to live. I told my friend that he can live in my home, and I can help him to find a job not only in Ameynra company but also in taxi service or jewelry factory in Downtown L.A. But because of his non-perfect past, Kasatka got no visa. He has shown me 4 triangle stamps in his passport. It means "10 years of having no chance to entry the US". I asked him about what he wrote in visa application and was shocked to find the fatal mistake. My friend wrote that he is gonna work as a taxi driver and will live in motel. I knew that such will never be OK! Here are a lot of skilled drivers who knew city very well but they have no full-time job. How an immigrant who isn't student, lives in hotel and doesn't know city streets well and has no California driver license can find a job? I thought that my friend would say that he is gonna be a male model for my & other companies. Fashion company may need a model from another country. And, if company owner offers a place to live in, that is an additional point. And, I really had idea of photoshoots with male model because my fashion designs are for women, so we need cool male models. I told him what I thought about, and then try to ask Master to help... And, I heard nothing from him after that. I don't know why, but he never used his social network page anymore. Since November 2012 I never got any emails from him. I miss my friend but know nothing where is he now and what happened that night.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Картина о внеземной цивилизации, их песнях, НЛО с нейтронным двигателем. My space art & story

Продолжение серии рассказов об НЛО - инопланетянах и их кораблях, а также моих картинах, иллюстрирующих очерки о внеземных цивилизациях. Рассказ о моей картине, иллюстрации и весёлому научно-фантастическому рассказу об инопланетянах, певших песни ветру. Их цивилизация спаслась только благодаря юмору, пению и позитивизму ;) ОК, эта история в картине "Последний день существования цивилизации на планете Кфэрри". Картина нарисована красками акварель и является 4-й в серии иллюстраций к этому рассказу. Планета, на которой жило около 2 млрд населения, была одним из спутников гигантской планеты, масса которой наполовину больше Юпитера, но при этом имеющей кольцо из астероидов, вулканической массы и метеоров, втянутых гравитацией планеты из открытого пространства. Окрас и "полосатость" колец всегда зависит от неоднородности состава собственно массы "материала", тоесть того, из чего это кольцо состоит. В данной истории именно это стало одним из акцентов в трагической истории гибели целой империи. Как я уже упоминала в моих видео по астрономии, существуют разные виды того, что называется материей проявленного мира, тоесть того, где есть 3 измерения пространства и плюс стандартное время. Однако кроме этих, есть ещё нестандартная само-трансформирующаяся антиматерия и нулевая, которая может стать как переходной формой в антиматерию, так и на время становиться подобием обычной. Да дело лишь в том, что подобие и есть подобие. И финалом перехода зеро в двоичный стандарт может привести не только к расслоению кольца вокруг планеты... Подробности - в пока-пишущемся научно-фантастическом повествовании. В этом видео я также показываю, как звучали песни жителей той планеты. Эта песня, скорее напев или звукоряд, по их уверениям, вызывала ветер. ОК, в Чёрной Магии действительно есть несколько видов заклинаний, которые созданы для управления погодой. И, кроме населения на планете Земля, во вселенной есть множество планет где есть разумное население. У них тоже есть магические способности, и свои легенды.

Далее, нейтронные двигатели корабля - основа устройства таже самая, что в древних манускриптах, оставленных пришельцами с Сириуса, и мини-копия может быть собрана чуть ли не в домашних условиях. Единственное, что обычному человеку рудно раздобыть - это уран. Тем более, сделать нейтрон тринитроном. Дело в самом принципе распада радиактивного материала. В моей научно-фантастической версии, для тринитрона не нужна центрифуга. Просто если сделать по привычным стандартам, то сила атома грохнет только обьект размером с девятиэтажку. Но того же материала, по идее, хватает на мощность в 200 раз больше. Но в моей истории это не устройство, которое крутит турбины электростанции, а главная часть мотора гигатского летающего аппарата. Конечно, эта истории не зацентрована на магии, поскольку многие люди совсем не верят в магию, поэтому "живой пример" магической песни тут показан намёком, как забавный мотив. Позже я покажу специфические обряды, но это будет другие блог-обновления. Подпишись/тесь на мой блог и видео канал ;)

Спасибо за подписку!